In the development of the TYNDP 2024, the Scenario Building Team set four principle goals for the stakeholder engagement process:
- Stakeholder engagement from Day One
- Input on key parameters
- Consultation on hard data – not just concepts
- Transparent documentation of feedback and interactions
Building on the goals the Scenario Building Team set itself for the 2022 process, the 2024 cycle aims to achieve deeper and more inclusive stakeholder engagement than ever before.
The 2024 cycle began with a kick-off meeting outlining goals and innovations for the TYNDP 2024 Scenarios. The intention of the meeting was to offer stakeholders input and structure from the outset. It also allowed stakeholders their first opportunity to answer questions and provide comment on the proposals of the Scenario Building Team. As the release of the updated TYNDP Storyline Report was moved to July 2023, an additional Process Update Webinar was held in February 2023 in order to provide stakeholders with updates on the scenario development process and outline upcoming milestones. In particular, this event dealt with two major additions to the stakeholder engagement process: The Scenarios Stakeholder Reference Group and Stakeholder Roundtables.
The Scenarios Stakeholder Reference Group (Scenarios SRG)
Article 12(3) of Regulation 2022/869 (TEN-E Regulation) of 30 May 2022 specifies that ENTSO-E and ENTSOG ‘shall invite the organisations representing all relevant stakeholders […] to participate in the scenarios development process, in particular on key elements such as assumptions and how they are reflected in the scenarios data. ACER’s Framework Guidelines on the joint TYNDP scenarios states that ENTSO-E and ENTSOG should create a stakeholder reference group. It adds that a call for interest should target stakeholders listed in Article 12(3) of the TEN-E Regulation and other relevant organisations and independent experts. The Scenarios SRG aims at providing timely, expert input to the development of scenarios by ENTSO-E and ENTSOG in accordance with the scenario development timeline. It is not meant to replace other stakeholder engagement methods (including public consultations, stakeholder events and bilateral discussions) but to complement them.
A call for interested candidates was launched on 5 May 2023 with the deadline of 5 June 2023. Stakeholders from the following categories (determined by the ACER’s Scenario Framework Guidelines) were invited to apply.
- Associations involved in the electricity market
- Associations involved in the gas (methane and hydrogen) market
Heating and cooling stakeholders - Carbon capture and storage and carbon capture and utilisation stakeholders
- Independent aggregators
- Demand-side operators
- Supply-side operators
- Organisations involved in energy efficiency solutions
- Energy consumer associations
- Civil society representatives
- Other organisations
- Independent experts
At the deadline for applications, some categories remained un(der)represented in the Scenarios SRG and the call was extended for one week to encourage additional applicants. Once established, the Scenarios SRG will operate separately from the Scenario Building Team, organising its own activities and input to the scenario development process based on the timeline and tasks agreed with the Scenario Building Team and ACER.
Stakeholder Roundtables
The Stakeholder Roundtables concept has been introduced to supplement the written feedback received during the public consultation and the questions and comments received during the Consultation Workshop. It also aims to expand our commitment to both the second and third stakeholder engagement goals: Input on key parameters and consultation on hard data – not just concepts. The intention of the Roundtables is to dive deeper into key assumptions for the development of the Global Ambition and Distributed Energy scenarios. Stakeholders are invited to register for the Roundtables (occurring after the Scenarios Stakeholder Consultation Workshop) where a small selection of topics will be discussed in greater detail. These discussions will then be documented, and a summary will be uploaded to the scenarios’ website to ensure full transparency.
The topics for four Roundtables are:
- Demand – Country-level final energy demand per sector and per carrier.
- Methodology – Modelling innovations on power-to-H2, electric vehicles, heat pumps and offshore together with related assumptions.
- Supply – Trajectories of renewable technology capacities, nuclear technology capacities, costs, prices, import potentials, conversion factors and other supply assumptions.
- Carbon budget
As one of the goals set in 2022, the Scenario Building Team remains dedicated to transparent document of feedback and interactions. To this end, a new TYNDP Scenarios website has been created for the publication of all materials and data related to the TYNDP 2024 Scenario Report.
As in previous cycles, interactions with external stakeholders, such as responses to the Stakeholder Consultation and feedback received via the Stakeholder Roundtables, will be clearly documented and published via the website.